
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Sophie Wilhelmine Susine Reckeweg * 1839 Stolzenau, Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germany + 1917 District of Columbia, USA Reckeweg - Hasselbusch
John Francis Reynolds * 1920 District of Columbia, USA + 1990 Reynolds - Kaufmann
Bertha Richardson * 1905 District of Columbia, USA -
Ralph Archibald Robinson * 1890 District of Columbia, USA + 1988 Amherst Nova Scotia Canada Robinson - Waite
Sadie S Rynex * 1874 District of Columbia, USA -
Millard V. Sandy * 1867 Doncaster, Charles Co., Maryland, USA + 1930 District of Columbia, USA Sandy - Baxter
Catherine E. Scrivener * 1902 District of Columbia + 1973 District of Columbia, USA Scrivener - Emmons
Clyde Leroy Seavey * 1874 Palmyra, Lee, Illinois, United States + 1943 District of Columbia, USA Seavey - Eastwood
Jane Francis Shepherd * 1859 District of Columbia, USA -
Conrad Siem * 1861 Altona, Elbe + 1931 District of Columbia, USA Siem - Bauditz
John Ira SIFERS * 1881 Kentucky + 1958 District of Columbia, USA -
Maria Metta Margaretha Thies * 1880 Schmomühlen, Verden, Niedersachsen, Deutschland + 1963 District of Columbia, USA Thies - Badenhop
Agatha M VARELA * 1910 District of Columbia, USA -
Arthur Alexis VARELA * 1908 District of Columbia, USA + 1992 Easton, Talbot, Maryland, USA -
John K VARELA * 1915 District of Columbia, USA VARELA - NN
George Isadore Vorndran * 1893 Bridgeport, Connecticut + 1958 District of Columbia, USA Vorndran - Schreiber