
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
George Stroud * 1721 Younghall, Cork, Ireland + 1759 Diocese of Cloyn, Younghall, Cork, Ireland Stroud - Farmer
George Stroud * 1721 Younghall, Cork, Ireland + 1759 Diocese of Cloyn, Younghall, Cork, Ireland Stroud - Farmer
George Stroud * 1721 Younghall, Cork, Ireland + 1759 Diocese of Cloyn, Younghall, Cork, Ireland Stroud - Farmer
George Stroud * 1721 Younghall, Cork, Ireland + 1759 Diocese of Cloyn, Younghall, Cork, Ireland Stroud - Farmer
George Stroud * 1721 Younghall, Cork, Ireland + 1759 Diocese of Cloyn, Younghall, Cork, Ireland Stroud - Farmer