
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
George Philip Leising * 1892 Clarence, New York + 1968 Clarence Center, Erie, New York, United States of America Leising - Roskopf
George Philip Leising * 1892 Clarence, New York + 1968 Clarence Center, Erie, New York, United States of America Leising - Roskopf
George Philip Leising * 1892 Clarence, New York + 1968 Clarence Center, Erie, New York, United States of America Leising - Roskopf
George Philip Leising * 1892 Clarence, New York + 1968 Clarence Center, Erie, New York, United States of America Leising - Roskopf
George Philip Leising * 1892 Clarence, New York + 1968 Clarence Center, Erie, New York, United States of America Leising - Roskopf