
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Carl Walter Beck * 1918 Butler Butler Pa + 2007 Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia, United States of America Beck - Binder
George Aloysius Beck * 1926 Butler Butler Pa + 2014 Butler Butler Pa Beck - Binder
Howard Jacob Beck * 1916 Butler Butler Pa + 2010 Herman, Butler County, Pennsylvania, United States of America Beck - Binder
Patronella F Beck * 1893 Butler, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA + 1960 Butler Butler Pa Beck - Pistorius
Rose Catherine Beck * 1921 Butler Butler Pa + 2007 Butler Butler Pa Beck - Binder
Ruth Margaret Beck * 1921 Butler Butler Pa + 2000 Butler Butler Pa Beck - Binder
Elizabeth (Betty) Ann Stern * 1935 Butler Butler Pa + 1984 Stern - Beck