
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Lancelot Anslech "Baron of Bastembourg" deBertrand deBastembourg & Seigneur DeBricquebec * Bricquibec, Manche, Normandy, France + Briquebec, La Manche, Normandy, France Normandy - DeBlois Brico
Lancelot Anslech "Baron of Bastembourg" deBertrand deBastembourg & Seigneur DeBricquebec * Bricquibec, Manche, Normandy, France + Briquebec, La Manche, Normandy, France Normandy - DeBlois Brico
Lancelot Anslech "Baron of Bastembourg" deBertrand deBastembourg & Seigneur DeBricquebec * Bricquibec, Manche, Normandy, France + Briquebec, La Manche, Normandy, France Normandy - DeBlois Brico
Lancelot Anslech "Baron of Bastembourg" deBertrand deBastembourg & Seigneur DeBricquebec * Bricquibec, Manche, Normandy, France + Briquebec, La Manche, Normandy, France Normandy - DeBlois Brico
Lancelot Anslech "Baron of Bastembourg" deBertrand deBastembourg & Seigneur DeBricquebec * Bricquibec, Manche, Normandy, France + Briquebec, La Manche, Normandy, France Normandy - DeBlois Brico