
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
John A. Altmann * 1889 Blenker, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1948 Marshfield, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America Altmann - Weber
John Joseph Altmann * 1885 Blenker, Wood Co., Wisconsin USA + 1961 Blenker, Wood Co., Wisconsin USA Altmann - Koller
Josef Altmann * 1858 Kohlheim, Neuern, Klattau, Böhmen + 1909 Blenker, Wood, Wisconsin, USA Altmann - Zierhut
Katherine Altmann * 1884 Blenker, Wood, Wisconsin + 1968 Wood County, Wisconsin, USA Altmann - Weber
Maria Altmann * 1866 Kohlheim, Neuern, Klattau, Böhmen + 1939 Blenker, Wood, Wisconsin, USA Altmann - Zierhut
Monika Aschenbrenner * 1830 Austria, Autriche + 1912 Blenker, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Edward B. Ashbeck * 1921 + 1947 Echo, Umatilla County, Oregon, United States of America Ashbeck - Altmann
Esther J. Ashbeck * 1912 Auburndale, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 2008 Kenosha, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States of America Ashbeck - Altmann
Frank John Ashbeck * 1907 Auburndale, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1914 Auburndale, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America Ashbeck - Altmann
Frank Peter Ashbeck * 1882 Wisconsin + 1972 -
Maria Katharina Klima * 1842 Rothenbaum, Neuern, Klattau, Böhmen + 1909 Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin USA Klima - Baumann
Monica Koller * 1858 Markt Eisenstein, Klattau, Böhmen + 1925 Blenker, Wood, Wisconsin USA Koller - Aschenbrenner
Adolph Rickl * 1862 Bohemia + 1905 Marathon County, Wisconsin, USA -
Aloisia Weber * 1858 Hinterhäuser, St. Katharina, Neuern, Klattau, Böhmen + 1952 Blenker, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America Weber - Stuiber
Louise Weinfurter * 1886 Blenker Wood, Wisconsin + 1980 Altmann - Weber