
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Johann Burchard Rolfes * 1871 Lindloh + 1952 Barger-Compascuum Rolfes - Bergmann
Johann Wilhelm Schulte * 1893 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands + 1963 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands -
Maria Catharina Schulte * 1898 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands + 1968 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands -
Rudolf Wijnholds * 1878 Barger-Compascuum + 1964 Emmen, Drente, The Netherlands Wijnholds - Kuipers
Anna Christina Wilken * 1859 Hebelermeer, Germany + 1906 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands Wilken - Menke
Anna Helena Wilken * 1898 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands + 1984 Barger-Oosterveld, the Netherlands -
Anton Wilken * 1827 Lindloh, Germany + 1905 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands -
Margaretha Maria Wübben * 1900 Hebelermeer + 1978 Barger-Compascuum Wübben - Meyer
Maria Catharina Zwake * 1887 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands + 1974 Barger-Compascuüm, the Netherlands -